Vispa 0.2 - Windows Vista專用安全調整工具

Vispa 是一款保證Windows Vista安全的文件,它類似於Windows 2000/XP的xpy(基於xpy)的代碼,在安裝系統後可以用這款軟體迅速改善Windows Vista的安全和隱私設置,甚至是系統性能,但請大家注意使用這款軟體時必須瞭解Windows的基礎知識,簡而言之需要知道你正在幹什麼,因此這款工具並不適合初學者。

Changes in v0.2 (2008-05-16):
* added new features
-disable windows security center
-disable 404 search
-create restore point prior to any modification
-reset changed themes
* added proper GUID creation for IE search engines
* added Windows Classic install type
* added second page for detailed settings
* added license switch ("vispa.exe /?")
* added german translation
* modified autodetection
* improved ie7/ie8 handling
* fixed bug in sound disabling when using .vispa file
* fixed bug in delete prefetch folder autodetection
* merged xpy and Vispa source-codes
* code cleanup
* licensed under a bsd license

下載:Vispa 0.2


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