互動式的聽力教學 EarMaster School 5.0

EarMaster 是一個結合各種不同的鍛鍊和訓練,來幫助那些想要成為樂師或初學者的音樂訓練程式。鍛鍊的範圍包括弦、音階、節拍、音程和旋律。你可以定義一個完整的訓練課程和把每個訓練儲存起來。另有學校修訂版,可針對學生進階的管理和報告能力,非常適宜於電腦網路作業。

EarMaster School是一個有效的互動式的聽力教學工具。提供有效的即聽即奏的途徑來進行聽力訓練。學生們的音樂聽力將得到發展,因為他們不僅僅是被動的接受聲音。同時它易於使用,並帶給你許多聽力教學上的不錯的特色。

Tutor editor
· Advanced Tutor Editor allows teachers to make their own tutor lessons.
· Control how well the student must perform before advancing to the next lesson.
· Tutor lessons are compatible with EarMaster Pro.
· Distribute your own tutor lessons to students' home computers by e-mail, on a website or on diskettes.

Student administration and report facilities
· Easy for teachers to control students' weekly assignments.
· Detailed information on students' training and performance with advanced report function.
· Print summaries and results for single users or whole classes.
· Easy management of student data.
· Students who complete their assignments at home (using EarMaster Pro) can easily transfer their results to the network for teacher review.

Multi-user and network facilities
· Students and teachers can continue last session of ear training on any computer in the network.
· Runs in any Windows network and is easy to install.
· Remembers results and settings for each user.
· No limitations on number of users.
· Use EarMaster in your own language.
· For students, EarMaster School looks just like EarMaster Pro.

官方下載:EarMaster School 5.0 試用版
EarMaster School v5.0.615S


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